AWS Cloudformation is a service that helps us initiate aws resources using json
or yaml
files. It’s know as IaaS
(Infrastructure As A Service).
Structure of the Document
- AWS Template Format Version: It contains the version of the file.
- Description: It basically the description of what the script will do written by the owner of the script. It’s a string field.
- MetaData: This contains the properties of the templates.
- Parameters: Any values we pass to the templates
- Mappings: Dependencies between our AWS resources.
- Conditions: we add these when stack is being created.
- Outputs: The outputs are the ones displayed when are stack is created.
- Resources: The AWS Resources we need to initiate. (The most important part)
Example CloudFormation.
A simple CloudFormation script that initiates EC2 instances with SSH
"Description": "Create an EC2 instance by AWS CloudFormation",
"Resources": {
"SecurityGroupDemoSvrTraffic": {
"Type": "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup",
"Properties": {
"GroupName": "ssh-group",
"SecurityGroupIngress": [
"IpProtocol": "tcp",
"FromPort": 22,
"ToPort": 22,
"CidrIp": "",
"Description": "For traffic from Internet"
"GroupDescription": "Security Group for demo server",
"VpcId": "[Find you VpcId in VPC-->Subnets]"
"EC2InstanceDemoSvr": {
"Type": "AWS::EC2::Instance",
"Properties": {
"AvailabilityZone": "[Find you AvailabilityZone in VPC-->Subnets]",
"ImageId": "[Find your ImageId in EC2-->Launch Instance-->Step1]",
"InstanceType": "[Find your InstanceType in EC2-->Launch Instance-->Step2]",
"KeyName": "[Find your KeyName in EC2-->Key Pairs]",
Starting Windows Machine using CloudFormation
Description: "A simple script that starts Window EC2 instances on AWS Cloud"
Type: "AWS::EC2::Instance"
- !Ref InstanceGroupSecurity
InstanceType: # t1.micro
KeyName: # Your key
ImageId: ""
Type: "AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup"
GroupDescription: '' # Description
- IpProtocol: # Enter Protocol Like TCP
FromPort: # RDP Port
ToPort: 3389